What’s New On Our Duck Blog

Welcome, dedicated birdwatchers and enthusiasts, to the 50 Ducks comprehensive Duck and Waterfowl Blog Archive! Our blog covers a variety of waterfowl species, their habitat preferences, and migration patterns, unraveling the science behind their remarkable journeys.
Whether you love

  • stunning imagery
  • exploring interactive maps
  • enjoying tracking seasonal changes

our archive will not disappoint.

We pour our passion for ducks, geese, and other waterfowl species into each post, delivering informative content to help you better understand our winged wanderers. Expect to find detailed discussions on current conservation efforts, inspiring success stories, and personal accounts from fellow enthusiasts and researchers.


Enhancing Your Waterfowl Migration Tracker Experience

Enhancing Your Waterfowl Migration Tracker Experience Greer Smith October 1, 2024 Vast skyward journeys captivate the hearts of birdwatchers everywhere. Migrating birds paint a vivid picture of nature’s annual treks, offering both mystery and wonder. Witnessing these patterns inspires awe, but tracking them reveals deeper insights.  Bird migration tracking is a delight for enthusiasts and a vital data source for conservationists. Technology now provides unparalleled access to real-time waterfowl maps, transforming our understanding of these majestic flights. ...

Avian Adventures: A Tale of Tundra Swans and Canada Geese

Avian Adventures: A Tale of Tundra Swans and Canada Geese Greer Smith July 22, 2024 50 Ducks continues its mission to study and highlight the migratory patterns of birds, captivating an ever-growing audience with our innovative tracking platform. Today, we dig deeper into the incredible journeys of two Tundra Swans and the male Canada Goose. These feathered voyagers traverse thousands of miles, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of waterfowl as they make their annual treks to breed and...

Epic Flights: Migrations of Male Northern Shovelers and Blue-Winged Teal Drake

Epic Flights: Migrations of Male Northern Shovelers and Blue-Winged Teal Drake Greer Smith July 22, 2024 Tracking the astonishing journeys of migratory birds, 50 Ducks serves as a beacon for conservation enthusiasts. Engaging birdwatchers, waterfowlers, and data nerds alike, our mission is to educate and inspire through incredible stories of annual treks. Today, we highlight the epic travels of the male Northern Shoveler and Blue-Winged Teal. These avian athletes overcome immense distances, showcasing nature’s resilience. With cutting-edge tracking capabilities,...

Community-Based Conservation: Local Efforts for Duck Protection

Community-Based Conservation: Local Efforts for Duck Protection Greer Smith June 7, 2024 Conservationists around the globe are making significant strides in duck protection and habitat restoration. With local initiatives citizens and residents become more active and showcasing the true power of community-based conservation. Today, we explore how grassroots efforts can lead to sustainable solutions with local involvement and active participation. As we speak, several examples of community-based conservation exist. Each demonstrates the positive impact on waterfowl habitats and...

Duck Migration Calendar

Duck Migration Calendar Greer Smith May 3, 2024 With this duck migration blog, you get a fascinating glimpse into the annual journeys undertaken by various duck species. These migrations, driven by weather patterns, food availability, and reproductive needs, dictate breeding and survival. Monitoring migration patterns benefits birdwatchers, researchers, and conservationists. The process aids in the study and support of these migratory birds. The information you gather will play a role in conservation efforts and help maintain ecological...

Live Duck Migration Map: Which Tracker Leads the Flock?

Live Duck Migration Map: Which Tracker Leads the Flock? Greer Smith April 12, 2024 The fascination with tracking wildlife, particularly ducks, has seen a significant surge, captivating both enthusiasts and experts in the field. But with the plethora of current trackers available, how do you decide which live duck migration map is best for you?Today, we’ll equip researchers, conservationists, and avid followers with the knowledge to choose the finest tool for tracking remarkable waterfowl journeys. Let’s explore...

Duck Watching 101: Birding Tips for Beginners

Greer Smith April 12, 2024 Duck Watching 101: Birding Tips for Beginners Are you a waterfowl enthusiast interested in birding? For centuries, duck watching has captivated enthusiasts from all over the globe with its simplicity and accessibility. Perfect for beginners, this activity offers a serene connection with nature and serves as a source of knowledge for habitat conservation. With a thorough understanding of the nuances of birding techniques, you can elevate your experience from mere observation to a...

Are Ducks Nocturnal?

Are Ducks Nocturnal? Greer Smith April 4, 2024 When exactly do ducks decide to move and migrate? It's a complex question that seems to have as many answers as there are experts willing to share their insights. But here's what we do know for sure, especially regarding two particular Blue-winged Teal, Fat Daddy and MJ, both tagged in Toluca, Mexico, in April of 2023. Their movements, which we've been tracking and sharing with you from our historical waterfowl tracker , have...

How Far Can Ducks Travel in a Day

How Far Can Ducks Travel in a Day Greer Smith March 13, 2024 Today we explore an incredible 26-hour segment from the migration of a Northern Shoveler banded by Tierra De Aves, named "Scoop" by a group of inspired middle school students. This exceptional journey, which began just west of Mexico City at 1:54 AM local time on March 25th, highlights the vast energy expenditures of migrating waterfowl. Scoop covered an astonishing distance of 1, 434 miles...

Wood Duck Boxes and Nesting Behavior

Wood Duck Boxes and Nesting Behavior Greer Smith March 11, 2024 Ducks Don’t Put All Their Eggs in One Basket! The saying "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" takes on a literal meaning in the world of wood ducks. When we speak of "dump boxes," we're referring to intraspecific brood parasitism, a phenomenon where nests often contain eggs from multiple hens. But what drives this behavior?The lack of available nesting sites might seem like an...

How To Implement Duck Tagging for Future Study 

How To Implement Duck Tagging for Future Study  Greer Smith February 8, 2024 Duck tagging is a cornerstone of avian research, enabling precise tracking through collections of critical data on waterfowl movements, habits, and population trends. This practice provides indispensable insights for wildlife biologists who are piecing together the complex ecological puzzle of habitat preferences, breeding success, and survival rates.  By revealing the methodology of how to tag a duck, we contribute to the vital conservation efforts...

How the Conservation Reserve Program Helps Ducks

How the Conservation Reserve Program Helps Ducks Greer Smith January 22, 2024 For bird enthusiasts throughout North America, the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) represents a long-standing initiative administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).Since 1985, this voluntary program has encouraged farmers and agricultural landowners to convert environmentally sensitive or highly erodible lands into long-term vegetative cover. As habitat loss and fluctuating weather patterns become more severe, particularly in the Midwest prairies, waterfowl habitat continues to decline....

10 Interesting Facts About Ducks

10 Interesting Facts About Ducks Greer Smith January 22, 2024 Ducks, often associated with quacks and playful antics, hold a deeper allure beyond their audible charm. In the realm of nature, these feathered beings are remarkably diverse. There are over 100 distinct species that each exhibit unique duck behaviors. From dabbling ducks dipping their bottoms into the water while feeding to perching ducks nesting in lofty branches, their ecological significance is profound. Our wetlands and natural habitats benefit...

Duck Anatomy: Duck Bills, Feet & More!

Duck Anatomy: Duck Bills, Feet & More! Greer Smith January 22, 2024 Welcome to the captivating world of ducks! Our passion for waterfowl tracking and conservation has led us to gather some fascinating insights about these incredible creatures. Whether you're a bird enthusiast, student or just getting started, get ready to explore and learn about the intriguing world of ducks.Ducks have unique adaptations that enable them to thrive in several environments. From their feathers and duck bills...

Migration Movie: An Animated Duck Film for the Entire Family

Migration Movie: An Animated Duck Film for the Entire Family Greer Smith January 8, 2024 Migration, the latest cinematic creation from Illumination, takes audiences on an unforgettable journey with a Mallard family. This animated duck film offers a captivating twist on migration, allowing parents, kids, and waterfowl enthusiasts to immerse themselves in a heartwarming adventure. From the stunning backdrop of New England to the tropical island of Jamaica, this ducks migration movie showcases the challenges and triumphs of...

Waterfowl Movement Report

Different Ducks Move...Differenlty Waterfowl Movement Report Greer Smith January 3, 2024 The initial 25 days of our newest 19 GPS-tagged waterfowl have provided us with invaluable insights into the behaviors and movements of our GPS-banded teal. This period marks the next chapter  of an extensive study now including an additional 4 Green-winged Teal (GWTE), 4 Blue-winged Teal (BWTE), 1 Northern Shoveler (NSHO), and 11 Cinnamon Teal (CITE). As we continue to expand our research to include larger-bodied...

Flight Report 12/20/2023

Flight Report 12/20/2023 Greer Smith Displayed above are the movements from the first two weeks of 19 GPS-tagged waterfowl in La Paz, Mexico. Observe the daily movements of GWTE #1 'Jane.' The chart above details her movements over the first 12 days since being banded.Below, you will find a video representation depicting a single day in the life of a Green-winged Teal, derived from Jane's GPS data points.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tH6ZPxnFbw Share This :

Duck Conservation: Habitat Loss Effects and Pollution Impact

Duck Conservation: Habitat Loss Effects and Pollution Impact Greer Smith December 16, 2023 Waterfowl transcend being mere inhabitants of ecosystems; they are the essence of the delicate harmony within these environments. Their habitats, teeming with sustenance, shelter, and breeding grounds, serve as the lifeblood of their existence.In this blog, we discuss the significance of waterfowl, their pivotal role in upholding biodiversity, and the profound challenges arising from human-induced habitat loss effects and pollution.With an unwavering passion for...

Understanding the Incredible Migration of Waterfowl

Understanding the Incredible Migration of Waterfowl Greer Smith December 12, 2023 Bird migrations are an extraordinary phenomenon driven by internal clocks and hormonal responses that guide the intricate journey of ducks and geese. These avian voyagers travel vast distances to find vital resources for survival and reproduction. In this post, we examine the migration of waterfowl to shed light on their critical role within ecosystems, particularly wetlands. As these birds navigate waterfowl migration routes, they transport various...

The History of Ducks: Ancient Times to Modern Day

The History of Ducks: Ancient Times to Modern Day Greer Smith December 8, 2023 Have you ever wondered where waterfowl come from or how long they’ve inhabited our planet? In this post, we reveal the history of ducks and their evolution. As we all continue to be intrigued with behavioral actions such as ‘preening’ for self-cleaning, ducklings that take flight in 5-8 weeks, and their funny-looking webbed feet, we cannot help but wonder about their remarkable origins.With...

Top 10 Ways to Help with Duck Conservation

Top 10 Ways to Help with Duck Conservation Greer Smith November 27, 2023 Duck conservation is of utmost importance, as these waterfowl play a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and hold substantial value for humans. With over 130 species worldwide, ducks have captured the attention of every passionate birder.  However, it is disheartening to learn that nearly a quarter of duck species are now vulnerable, threatened, or endangered due to various challenges.  From habitat...

Top 5 Benefits of Ducks: How Preservation Empowers Local Communities

Top 5 Benefits of Ducks: How Preservation Empowers Local Communities Greer Smith November 27, 2023 Ducks, our unassuming aquatic companions, harbor astonishing mysteries that set them apart from other avian species. Whether it's their graceful glide across tranquil waters or their remarkable ability to remain vigilant while asleep, ducks continually captivate with their hidden wonders. They possess abstract reasoning skills that parallel supposedly “smarter” species, such as dolphins, apes, and crows. But that’s just a glimpse into...

IBOC 2023

International Bird Observatory Conference 2023 IBOC 2023 Greer Smith November 13, 2023 The International Bird Observatory Conference (IBOC) in Veracruz, Mexico, was recently hosted by a team of avian conservation stalwarts: Manuel Grosselet and his wife Georgita Ruiz, along with Alan Monroy-Ojeda from Tierra De Aves, and Miguel Matta from Environment for the Americas. Building upon the foundation laid by the previous three IBOCs, this event continued the vital work of promoting avian conservation across the globe. "IBOC...

The Importance of Bottomland Hardwood Forests for Waterfowl Conservation

The Importance of Bottomland Hardwood Forests for Waterfowl Conservation Greer Smith Smith October 4, 2023 One of the lesser well known habitats essential to waterfowl habitat and sustainability are bottomland hardwood forests and their indispensable role in waterfowl conservation. These unique ecosystems, known as deciduous forested wetlands, thrive along river bottoms and experience seasonal flooding. You can find them in Arkansas and along the Mississippi River.With limited direct sunlight reaching the forest floor during summer, these forests...

Why 50 Ducks? A Pirogue Ride

Why 50 Ducks? A Pirogue Ride Greer Smith August 21, 2023 Greer Smith (Right) and Brother Sam Since its inception, many people have asked me why I started 50 Ducks. While I do  not have the expertise of the head biologist at Ducks Unlimited nor the resume of a globetrotting waterfowl chaser like Ramsey Russell (not yet anyway), I have an unshakeable passion for ducks and geese formed from a lifetime of memories in a duck blind...

Wet Feet and Mexican Ducks

Wet Feet and Mexican Ducks Greer Smith Smith July 25, 2023 With the imminent launch of 50 Ducks and the forthcoming banding of our first flock of ducks, we can feel the excitement in the air. The time ahead is filled with necessary preparations as we're persistently troubleshooting our website and fine-tuning our platform to ensure a flawless user experience. Amid this flurry of activity, we're also co-authoring an academic paper with our esteemed partner and friend,...

BWT 79-Day Update

BWT 79-Day Update Greer Smith Smith June 23, 2023 After a 31-day stopover  in North Texas, our beloved Blue-winged Teal, fondly known as Fat Daddy, has reappeared in Boise, Oklahoma. Upon his return to cellular network range, we are now able to dive deep into his movement data from the past month. Our dear friend and colleague, Manuel Grosselt, was instrumental in helping us tag Fat Daddy on April 5th. In the subsequent 79 days, we've not...

Headed North!

Headed North! Greer Smith Smith May 17, 2023 Over the past 42 days, we've been tracking two Blue-winged Teal, banded 20 miles west of Mexico City. For the initial 36 days, "Fat Daddy," one of the Teal, demonstrated a  localized movement pattern, traveling a total of 54 miles. For a detailed analysis of this early movement, please refer to our previous blog post titled, "Tracking the Movement of Two Blue-Winged Teal in April 2023". (Picture below for...

Tracking the Movement of Two Blue-Winged Teal in April of 2023: A Detailed Analysis

Tracking the Movement of Two Blue-Winged Teal in April of 2023: A Detailed Analysis Greer Smith Smith May 1, 2023 In our inaugural month of waterfowl tracking, we closely monitored the movements of two GPS-tagged Blue-winged Teal. Both waterfowl’s movements are illustrated in the attached images.At first glance, it might seem that Duck 1 traveled a considerably longer distance than Duck 2. However, after delving deeper into the data, we arrived at the following conclusions.Duck 1, affectionately...

Educating the Next Generation of Conservationists

Educating the Next Generation of Conservationists Greer Smith Smith April 24, 2023 The State of The Birds in 2022 reports the U.S. and Canada have lost ¼ of bird species since 1970. In that same period, the percentages of dabbling and diving ducks are up 34%. Why?People invest time, money, and resources in what they know and care about. To continue increasing waterfowl numbers and stop overall declining avian population trends, an increased appreciation and respect for...

Duck Diaries: A Closer Look at Our Feathered Friends

At 50 Ducks, we study our feathered friends and bring their fascinating world to your fingertips. Our founder, Greer Smith, grew up loving wildlife inspired by family hunting traditions. Determined to share his passion for the natural world , he masterminded a central registry for waterfowl enthusiasts in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, allowing users to track the wondrous world of ducks. Our duck and waterfowl blog is an educational hub where wildlife students and waterfowl fanatics can learn more about these awe-inspiring creatures. What sets us apart is our commitment to making this knowledge accessible. With live streaming tracking, educational resources, and a dedication to conserving our wetlands, we aim to raise awareness and  change the publics perspective on wetlands conservation.

Check Back Frequently for the Latest Insights

Ready to embark on a feather-filled adventure? Our duck blog has got you covered. We offer more than a platform. It’s a passport into the captivating world of ducks, geese, and waterfowl. Imagine each post serving as a stepping stone, guiding you deeper into the wilderness, making every birdwatching moment more worthwhile. Sign up today, immerse yourself in the passionate world of birdwatching, and let the beauty and magic of avian wildlife inspire you.