Greer Smith
March 13, 2024
Today we explore an incredible 26-hour segment from the migration of a Northern Shoveler banded by Tierra De Aves, named “Scoop” by a group of inspired middle school students.
This exceptional journey, which began just west of Mexico City at 1:54 AM local time on March 25th, highlights the vast energy expenditures of migrating waterfowl. Scoop covered an astonishing distance of 1, 434 miles next touching ground in the Otter Creek State Wildlife Area in Ottumwa, Kansas, showcasing the remarkable capabilities of ducks in motion.
Reaching an altitude of 17,319 feet above sea level, with a peak flying height of 16,800 feet above ground near Los Lomas, Texas, Scoop’s ascent from his starting point at 7,270 feet in Mexico marked an impressive additional climb of 10,000 feet. For six of the 26 hours recorded, he soared above 15,000 feet, utilizing wind currents for efficient migration, and only dipped below 10,000 feet three times.
Scoop’s recorded flight speeds in order, were as follows: 28, 32, 42, 42, 47, 56, 48, 50, 53, 61, 66, 60, 65, 61, 89, 91, 80, 68, 66, 80, 85, 50, 70, 34 mph. This variation in speed throughout his journey illustrates the incredible endurance required for such migrations. Unsurprisingly, after this arduous journey, Scoop did not embark on any significant migratory movements for 26 days, using this period to recuperate and regain weight before the next phase of northward migration.
This deep dive into Scoop’s migration not only highlights the physiological wonders and resilience of ducks but also ignites curiosity and learning about the natural world. Stay with us for more stories that celebrate the fascinating journeys of avian migrants.
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