The Cinnamon Teal (Spatula cyanoptera) is a small dabbling duck with a range extending from the central U.S. to the West Coast, throughout Mexico, and as far south as the southern tip of South America. Unlike most waterfowl species, the Cinnamon Teal has distinct breeding populations in North and South America. These birds are identifiable by the male’s striking cinnamon-red plumage, along with bright red eyes and a distinctive blue patch on the wings. Females and juveniles have mottled brown feathers, resembling hen Blue-winged Teals, which provides excellent camouflage in wetland habitats.
The Cinnamon Teal is known for its strong migratory patterns, traveling considerable distances between breeding grounds in North America and wintering areas in Central America. Conservation efforts are crucial for maintaining their populations, as habitat loss and West Coast urbanization pose significant threats to their ecosystems.
Male Cinnamon Teals have striking cinnamon-red plumage, red eyes, and a distinctive blue patch on their wings, while females are mottled brown for camouflage.
The breeding season is from April to July, with nests typically built in dense vegetation near water. Unlike most dabbling ducks in North America, the Cinnamon Teal rarely breeds in the Prairie Pothole Region.
Cinnamon Teal are dabbling ducks, meaning they feed by tipping forward in the water to reach food rather than diving.
In North America, Cinnamon Teal typically nest in freshwater wetlands located in the western regions of the continent. They favor habitats with abundant emergent vegetation and are particularly numerous in large, permanent marshes.
The Cinnamon Teal is a migratory bird that stands out from many other duck species in North America due to its distinctive breeding populations in both North and South America. Unlike other dabbling ducks, this species typically does not travel as far north into the Prairie regions of Canada.
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