The Canada goose presents a black head and neck with broad white cheek patches extending from the throat to the rear of the eye, forming a white “chinstrap.” Both sexes share this distinctive appearance, though females are often slightly smaller. Body coloring ranges from light gray to dark chocolate brown, and the tail features a U-shaped white band. With an average length of 25-45 inches and weight ranging from 4-15 pounds for males (ganders) and 4-12 pounds for females, this species includes seven recognized subspecies. Variations in size and color are generally influenced by geographical location.
Native to North America, the Canada goose inhabits all 50 U.S. states as well as all Canadian provinces. From coastal areas to the Great Lakes region, these birds have adapted to a wide range of habitats, and large flocks have established permanent residence in many places, called resident geese.
Primarily herbivorous, Canada geese feed on grasses, seeds, and grains. They adapt well to urban environments, consuming domesticated grasses and agricultural grains when available, hence why many geese are found on local golf courses and near retention ponds.
Experiencing more stability in recent decades, populations of Canada geese were dwindling across much of North America in the early 1900s. Many U.S. states and Canadian provinces undertook a concerted effort to introduce/reintroduce the Canada goose. From Ohio to Georgia, efforts were made as part of a broader movement to preserve and protect this iconic species. Overall, estimates count over 3 million resident Canada geese nationwide, with migratory patterns influenced by regional food availability and habitat. Today, there are over 7 million Canada geese in North America, and their numbers continue to grow, symbolizing a triumphant success story of wildlife management. According to the State of The Birds report, Geese are one of the few North American bird species whose populations are increasing year over year! Our 50 Ducks team member, Fred Granitz, was a key figure in introducing Geese into the Georgia ecosystems.
Canada geese exhibit very strong family and pair bonds, often mating for life, and are known to exhibit philopatry (returning to their natal homes to nest). Generally, they lay 2-8 eggs with an incubation period of 25-28 days. They are known for their “honking” call, garnering the nickname “honkers.” When threatened, geese will emit a “hissing” sound as a warning sound. Geese have a much greater nest success rate than ducks, largely due to their size and ability to ward off predators.
Commonly mistaken as a lesser Canada goose, the Cackling goose is a different species entirely. In 2004, the American Ornithological Union separated Cackling geese from the Canada goose species. There are four subsets of Cackling geese.
Graph taken from the State of The Birds report 2022.
Geese in Flight
Map taken from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
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